
De Brasserie

Wake up peacefully in the most beautiful city in the north. The gentle sunlight on your face, time for a refreshing shower. This is going to be a good day! And to start the day off even better, take your time to enjoy a delicious freshly prepared breakfast in De Brasserie, thoughtfully and lovingly crafted by our chef. Here, you can taste local and honest products, served directly to your table. So, take your time, be surprised, and enjoy!

Weekdays between 7:00 and 10:30 a.m. and on weekends between 8:00 and 11:30 a.m.

We also enjoy some delicious bites in the afternoon. Because from 12:00 p.m., you can join us for an extensive lunch from the menu. How about our specialty, the Garde Burger, a Groninger mustard soup, or one of our delightful sandwiches? Take your time; there is a perfect dish for everyone.

Our favorite? That must be the CDG 12-hour lunch. A complete and extensive lunch, with luxurious and artisanal products. Perfect for when you can't decide.

View our lunch menu here

De Brasserie focuses on good, rich, and honest food. In collaboration with Restaurant Blumé, we present a new TIME menu every two months. The current theme is "A Caribbean Summer Breeze" for a unique and flavorful experience. Be surprised by culinary delights and seasonal treats. Open for dinner Wednesdays to Saturdays.

View our TIME menu here